Nellya Zulunova  ‏(I4238)‏
Given Names: Nellya
Surname: Zulunova
Married Name: Nellya Yakutilov

Gender: FemaleFemale

Birth: 17 June 1960 (22 Sivan 5720) 24 -- Andijan
Age: 64 years
Personal Facts and Details
Birth Birth 17 June 1960 (22 Sivan 5720) 24 Andijan

Globally unique Identifier B770B66FFCDBA28449BCC393293069ED
Last Change Last Change 27 November 2015 (15 Kislev 5776) - 15:52:15 - by: admin
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Parents Family  (F1487)
Yakov Zulunov
1936 -
Rivka-Riva Aronova
- 2005
Nellya Zulunova
1960 -

Immediate Family  (F1486)
Sasha Yakutilov
1956 -
Rafael Yakutilov
1978 -
Baruh Yakutilov
1980 -
Mazal Yakutilova
Han Yakutilov

Family with Parents - [View Family ‎(F1487)‎]
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Yakov Zulunov ‎(I4239)‎
Birth 1 May 1936 (9 Iyar 5696) -- Andijan
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Rivka-Riva Aronova ‎(I4240)‎
Death 8 November 2005 (6 Cheshvan 5766) -- Ramla
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Nellya Zulunova ‎(I4238)‎
Birth 17 June 1960 (22 Sivan 5720) 24 -- Andijan
Family with Sasha Yakutilov - [View Family ‎(F1486)‎]
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Sasha Yakutilov ‎(I4218)‎
Birth 6 February 1956 (24 Shevat 5716) 34 31 -- Shahrisabz

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Nellya Zulunova ‎(I4238)‎
Birth 17 June 1960 (22 Sivan 5720) 24 -- Andijan
Son (Birth)
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Rafael Yakutilov ‎(I4242)‎
Birth 1 December 1978 (1 Kislev 5739) 22 18 -- Dushanbe
Son (Birth)
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Baruh Yakutilov ‎(I4241)‎
Birth 8 March 1980 (20 Adar II 5740) 24 19 -- Israel
Daughter (Birth)
Son (Birth)

Rafael Yakutilov
Adam Yakutilov
Gaya Yakutilova
Teleg Yakutilov
Baruh Yakutilov
Liat Yakutilova
Mazal Yakutilova
Iran ‏(unknown)‏
Han Yakutilov
Nellya Zulunova
Sasha Yakutilov
Yakov Zulunov
Rivka-Riva Aronova
Moshehay Yakutilov
Billio Zavurova
Yevo Yakutilov
Burho-Bruha Yakutilova
Elhanon Yakutielov
Pnino Yakutielova
Rabbay Yakutiel
Leo Oy Qizi
Eleshay Korry
Leya Bat Sarah

Iskie Oksakal

Yushi-Iushiohu Yakutielov
Ester Yakutilova
Rabbay Yakutiel
Leo Oy Qizi
Eleshay Korry
Leya Bat Sarah

Rubani Xojandy

Rafael Zavurov
Freho Yusupova
Alisho Zavurov
Tovo Tomor

Research Assistant

ERROR 8: Array to string conversion
0 Error occurred on line 68 of file base_autosearch.php in function options
1 called from line 1625 of file ra_functions.php in function tab
2 called from line 2029 of file individual_ctrl.php in function print_research_tab
3 called from line 1370 of file individual_ctrl.php in function getTab
4 called from line 254 of file individual_ctrl.php in function init
5 called from line 38 of file individual.php

ERROR 8: Undefined property: AutoSearch::$Array
0 Error occurred on line 68 of file base_autosearch.php in function options
1 called from line 1625 of file ra_functions.php in function tab
2 called from line 2029 of file individual_ctrl.php in function print_research_tab
3 called from line 1370 of file individual_ctrl.php in function getTab
4 called from line 254 of file individual_ctrl.php in function init
5 called from line 38 of file individual.php

ERROR 8: Trying to access array offset on value of type null
0 Error occurred on line 68 of file base_autosearch.php in function options
1 called from line 1625 of file ra_functions.php in function tab
2 called from line 2029 of file individual_ctrl.php in function print_research_tab
3 called from line 1370 of file individual_ctrl.php in function getTab
4 called from line 254 of file individual_ctrl.php in function init
5 called from line 38 of file individual.php

Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Function name must be a string in /home3/aurulcom/public_html/yakutielg_slava/modules/research_assistant/search_plugin/base_autosearch.php:68 Stack trace: #0 /home3/aurulcom/public_html/yakutielg_slava/modules/research_assistant/ra_functions.php(1625): Base_AutoSearch->options() #1 /home3/aurulcom/public_html/yakutielg_slava/includes/controllers/individual_ctrl.php(2029): ra_functions->tab(Object(Person)) #2 /home3/aurulcom/public_html/yakutielg_slava/includes/controllers/individual_ctrl.php(1370): IndividualControllerRoot->print_research_tab() #3 /home3/aurulcom/public_html/yakutielg_slava/includes/controllers/individual_ctrl.php(254): IndividualControllerRoot->getTab(6) #4 /home3/aurulcom/public_html/yakutielg_slava/individual.php(38): IndividualControllerRoot->init() #5 {main} thrown in /home3/aurulcom/public_html/yakutielg_slava/modules/research_assistant/search_plugin/base_autosearch.php on line 68
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