Polina Yakubova  ‏(I413)‏
Given Names: Polina
Surname: Yakubova
Married Name: Polina Yakubov

Gender: FemaleFemale

Birth: 19 April 1971 (24 Nissan 5731) 36 32 -- Tashkent
Age: 53 years
Personal Facts and Details
Birth Birth 19 April 1971 (24 Nissan 5731) 36 32 Tashkent

Marriage Marriage Meneshe Yakubov - ‎[View Family ‎(F208)‎‎]

Globally unique Identifier E4ED552CDFE08A5D4BF9043E0DCA1BF6
Last Change Last Change 24 June 2012 (4 Tamuz 5772) - 20:58:15 - by: admin
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Parents Family  (F209)
Nison Yakubov
1935 -
Husni Ibragimova
1939 -
Polina Yakubova
1971 -

Immediate Family  (F208)
Meneshe Yakubov
1969 -
Dvora Yakubova
1989 -
Yakov Yakubov
1991 -

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Parents Family  (F209)
Nison Yakubov
1935 -
Husni Ibragimova
1939 -
Polina Yakubova
1971 -

Immediate Family  (F208)
Meneshe Yakubov
1969 -
Dvora Yakubova
1989 -
Yakov Yakubov
1991 -

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Parents Family  (F209)
Nison Yakubov
1935 -
Husni Ibragimova
1939 -
Polina Yakubova
1971 -

Immediate Family  (F208)
Meneshe Yakubov
1969 -
Dvora Yakubova
1989 -
Yakov Yakubov
1991 -

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Parents Family  (F209)
Nison Yakubov
1935 -
Husni Ibragimova
1939 -
Polina Yakubova
1971 -

Immediate Family  (F208)
Meneshe Yakubov
1969 -
Dvora Yakubova
1989 -
Yakov Yakubov
1991 -

Family with Parents - [View Family ‎(F209)‎]
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Nison Yakubov ‎(I416)‎
Birth 5 April 1935 (2 Nissan 5695) -- Shahrisabz
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Husni Ibragimova ‎(I417)‎
Birth 2 January 1939 (11 Teves 5699) -- Shahrisabz

Marriage:   -- Shahrisabz
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Polina Yakubova ‎(I413)‎
Birth 19 April 1971 (24 Nissan 5731) 36 32 -- Tashkent
Family with Meneshe Yakubov - [View Family ‎(F208)‎]
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Meneshe Yakubov ‎(I412)‎
Birth 9 June 1969 (23 Sivan 5729) 33 34 -- Shahrisabz

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Polina Yakubova ‎(I413)‎
Birth 19 April 1971 (24 Nissan 5731) 36 32 -- Tashkent

Marriage: Yes
Daughter (Birth)
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Dvora Yakubova ‎(I414)‎
Birth 15 September 1989 (15 Elul 5749) 20 18 -- Tashkent
Son (Birth)
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Yakov Yakubov ‎(I415)‎
Birth 11 April 1991 (27 Nissan 5751) 21 19 -- Tashkent

Dvora Yakubova
Yakov Yakubov
Polina Yakubova
Meneshe Yakubov
Nison Yakubov
Husni Ibragimova
Mishoel Yakubov
Husny Nahoraeva
Yakob Ibragimov
Miriyam Haimova
Yakov Nahoraev
Sipora Ilyabaeva
Nahoray Yakutielov

Rabbay Yakutiel
Leo Oy Qizi
Eleshay Korry
Leya Bat Sarah

Matat Ilyabaev
Malko Malaeva
Research Assistant

ERROR 8: Array to string conversion
0 Error occurred on line 68 of file base_autosearch.php in function options
1 called from line 1625 of file ra_functions.php in function tab
2 called from line 2029 of file individual_ctrl.php in function print_research_tab
3 called from line 1370 of file individual_ctrl.php in function getTab
4 called from line 254 of file individual_ctrl.php in function init
5 called from line 38 of file individual.php

ERROR 8: Undefined property: AutoSearch::$Array
0 Error occurred on line 68 of file base_autosearch.php in function options
1 called from line 1625 of file ra_functions.php in function tab
2 called from line 2029 of file individual_ctrl.php in function print_research_tab
3 called from line 1370 of file individual_ctrl.php in function getTab
4 called from line 254 of file individual_ctrl.php in function init
5 called from line 38 of file individual.php

ERROR 8: Trying to access array offset on value of type null
0 Error occurred on line 68 of file base_autosearch.php in function options
1 called from line 1625 of file ra_functions.php in function tab
2 called from line 2029 of file individual_ctrl.php in function print_research_tab
3 called from line 1370 of file individual_ctrl.php in function getTab
4 called from line 254 of file individual_ctrl.php in function init
5 called from line 38 of file individual.php

Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Function name must be a string in /home3/aurulcom/public_html/yakutielg_slava/modules/research_assistant/search_plugin/base_autosearch.php:68 Stack trace: #0 /home3/aurulcom/public_html/yakutielg_slava/modules/research_assistant/ra_functions.php(1625): Base_AutoSearch->options() #1 /home3/aurulcom/public_html/yakutielg_slava/includes/controllers/individual_ctrl.php(2029): ra_functions->tab(Object(Person)) #2 /home3/aurulcom/public_html/yakutielg_slava/includes/controllers/individual_ctrl.php(1370): IndividualControllerRoot->print_research_tab() #3 /home3/aurulcom/public_html/yakutielg_slava/includes/controllers/individual_ctrl.php(254): IndividualControllerRoot->getTab(6) #4 /home3/aurulcom/public_html/yakutielg_slava/individual.php(38): IndividualControllerRoot->init() #5 {main} thrown in /home3/aurulcom/public_html/yakutielg_slava/modules/research_assistant/search_plugin/base_autosearch.php on line 68
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