Family Book Chart
Uriel Iskhakov

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Family of Uriel Iskhakov

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Serega Iskhakov ‎(I4756)‎
Birth 9 May 1957 (8 Iyar 5717) 27 24 -- Andijan
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Albert-Avram Iskhakov ‎(I4758)‎
Birth 23 May 1967 (13 Iyar 5727) 37 34 -- Andijan
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Uriel Iskhakov ‎(I4752)‎
Birth 30 March 1930 (1 Nissan 5690) 22 17 -- Andijan
Death 10 July 1987 (13 Tamuz 5747) ‏(Age 57)‏ -- Andijan
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Bahor Iskhakov ‎(I3046)‎
Birth 13 April 1907 (29 Nissan 5667) 24 16 -- Andijan
Death 13 May 1977 (25 Iyar 5737) ‏(Age 70)‏ -- Andijan
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Panir Zavlunova ‎(I4749)‎
Birth 16 June 1912 (1 Tamuz 5672) 65 27 -- Andijan
Death 23 November 1978 (23 Cheshvan 5739) ‏(Age 66)‏ -- Andijan

Family of Serega Iskhakov

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Albina Iskhakova ‎(I4762)‎
Birth 9 July 1982 (18 Tamuz 5742) 25 21 -- Andijan
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Bar-Boris Iskhakov ‎(I4763)‎
Birth 27 September 1984 (1 Tishrei 5745) 27 23 -- Andijan
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Serega Iskhakov ‎(I4756)‎
Birth 9 May 1957 (8 Iyar 5717) 27 24 -- Andijan
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Uriel Iskhakov ‎(I4752)‎
Birth 30 March 1930 (1 Nissan 5690) 22 17 -- Andijan
Death 10 July 1987 (13 Tamuz 5747) ‏(Age 57)‏ -- Andijan
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Zina Sionova ‎(I4753)‎
Birth 25 February 1933 (29 Shevat 5693) -- Andijan
Death 17 August 2007 (3 Elul 5767) ‏(Age 74)‏ -- Petah Tikva

Family of Albina Iskhakova

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Linoy Aminov ‎(I4767)‎
Birth 25 March 2008 (18 Adar II 5768) 23 25 -- Israel
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Lior Aminova ‎(I4768)‎
Birth 12 September 2009 (23 Elul 5769) 25 27 -- Israel
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Albina Iskhakova ‎(I4762)‎
Birth 9 July 1982 (18 Tamuz 5742) 25 21 -- Andijan
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Serega Iskhakov ‎(I4756)‎
Birth 9 May 1957 (8 Iyar 5717) 27 24 -- Andijan
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Larisa Mushiyakova ‎(I4759)‎
Birth 28 April 1961 (12 Iyar 5721) 28 21 -- Andijan

Family of Roma Iskhakov

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Uriel Iskhakov ‎(I4770)‎
Birth 12 April 1991 (28 Nissan 5751) 29 -- Israel
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Dana Iskhakova ‎(I4771)‎
Birth 22 September 1994 (17 Tishrei 5755) 33 -- Israel
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Uriel Iskhakov ‎(I4752)‎
Birth 30 March 1930 (1 Nissan 5690) 22 17 -- Andijan
Death 10 July 1987 (13 Tamuz 5747) ‏(Age 57)‏ -- Andijan
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Zina Sionova ‎(I4753)‎
Birth 25 February 1933 (29 Shevat 5693) -- Andijan
Death 17 August 2007 (3 Elul 5767) ‏(Age 74)‏ -- Petah Tikva

Family of Albert-Avram Iskhakov

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Bat'el Iskhakova ‎(I4775)‎
Birth 15 July 1992 (14 Tamuz 5752) 25 20 -- Israel
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Michael Iskhakov ‎(I4776)‎
Birth 8 January 1994 (25 Teves 5754) 26 21 -- Israel
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Gavriel Iskhakov ‎(I4777)‎
Birth 12 October 2004 (27 Tishrei 5765) 37 32 -- Israel
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Leya Iskhakova ‎(I4778)‎
Birth 12 October 2004 (27 Tishrei 5765) 37 32 -- Israel
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Albert-Avram Iskhakov ‎(I4758)‎
Birth 23 May 1967 (13 Iyar 5727) 37 34 -- Andijan
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Uriel Iskhakov ‎(I4752)‎
Birth 30 March 1930 (1 Nissan 5690) 22 17 -- Andijan
Death 10 July 1987 (13 Tamuz 5747) ‏(Age 57)‏ -- Andijan
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Zina Sionova ‎(I4753)‎
Birth 25 February 1933 (29 Shevat 5693) -- Andijan
Death 17 August 2007 (3 Elul 5767) ‏(Age 74)‏ -- Petah Tikva