Ancestry Chart
Stav Asher
Birth 9 May 1992 (6 Iyar 5752)29
25 -- Israel
1 2 and 3 Private
Ezra Asher
Birth 31 March 1963 (6 Nissan 5723)26 -- Tel-Aviv
2 Father 4 and 5 Private
Menahem Asher
Birth -- Iraq
Death 10 April 1991 (26 Nissan 5751) -- Tell Aviv
4 Grandfather 8 and 9
8 Great-grandfather 9 Great-grandmother
ERROR 8: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool
0 Error occurred on line 209 of file ancestry_ctrl.php in function print_child_ascendancy
1 called from line 209 of file ancestry_ctrl.php in function print_child_ascendancy
2 called from line 209 of file ancestry_ctrl.php in function print_child_ascendancy
3 called from line 202 of file ancestry.php
ERROR 8: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool
0 Error occurred on line 210 of file ancestry_ctrl.php in function print_child_ascendancy
1 called from line 209 of file ancestry_ctrl.php in function print_child_ascendancy
2 called from line 209 of file ancestry_ctrl.php in function print_child_ascendancy
3 called from line 202 of file ancestry.php
Havazelet Yakutiely
Birth 21 March 1937 (9 Nissan 5697)25
21 -- Jerusalem
5 Grandmother 10 and 11 Private
Zaev Yakutiely
Birth 1912 (5672)37
31 -- Jerusalem
Death 1 November 1986 (29 Tishrei 5747) (Age 74) -- Jerusalem
10 Great-grandfather Pnina Amrany
Birth 1916 (5676) -- Israel
Death 22 January 2006 (22 Teves 5766) (Age 90) -- Jerusalem
11 Great-grandmother
Dvora Susan
Birth 5 October 1966 (21 Tishrei 5727) -- Israel
3 Mother 6 and 7
6 Grandfather 7 Grandmother
ERROR 8: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool
0 Error occurred on line 209 of file ancestry_ctrl.php in function print_child_ascendancy
1 called from line 210 of file ancestry_ctrl.php in function print_child_ascendancy
2 called from line 202 of file ancestry.php
ERROR 8: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool
0 Error occurred on line 210 of file ancestry_ctrl.php in function print_child_ascendancy
1 called from line 210 of file ancestry_ctrl.php in function print_child_ascendancy
2 called from line 202 of file ancestry.php