Ancestry Chart
Pedigree Tree
Pedigree Map
Descendancy Chart
Ancestry Chart
Compact Chart
Circle Diagram
Hourglass Chart
Interactive TreeHadar Haydatova
Birth 15 December 1998 (26 Kislev 5759)33
25 -- Israel
1 2 and 3 Private
Yura-Yuhay Haydatov
Birth 29 December 1964 (24 Teves 5725)27
27 -- Chardjou
2 Father 4 and 5 Private
Pedigree Tree
Pedigree Map
Descendancy Chart
Ancestry Chart
Compact Chart
Circle Diagram
Hourglass Chart
Interactive Tree
Family with spouse
Tamara Babadjanova
Yura-Yuhay HaydatovSholomo-Boruhay Haydatov
Birth 13 May 1937 (3 Sivan 5697) -- Bukhara
Death 18 August 2004 (1 Elul 5764) (Age 67) -- Jerusalem
4 Grandfather 8 and 9
8 Great-grandfather 9 Great-grandmother
ERROR 8: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool
0 Error occurred on line 209 of file ancestry_ctrl.php in function print_child_ascendancy
1 called from line 209 of file ancestry_ctrl.php in function print_child_ascendancy
2 called from line 209 of file ancestry_ctrl.php in function print_child_ascendancy
3 called from line 202 of file ancestry.php
ERROR 8: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool
0 Error occurred on line 210 of file ancestry_ctrl.php in function print_child_ascendancy
1 called from line 209 of file ancestry_ctrl.php in function print_child_ascendancy
2 called from line 209 of file ancestry_ctrl.php in function print_child_ascendancy
3 called from line 202 of file ancestry.php
Pedigree Tree
Pedigree Map
Descendancy Chart
Ancestry Chart
Compact Chart
Circle Diagram
Hourglass Chart
Interactive Tree
Family with spouse
Sholomo-Boruhay Haydatov
Yura-Yuhay HaydatovTamara Babadjanova
Birth 20 May 1937 (10 Sivan 5697) -- Chardjou
5 Grandmother 10 and 11
10 Great-grandfather 11 Great-grandmother
ERROR 8: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool
0 Error occurred on line 209 of file ancestry_ctrl.php in function print_child_ascendancy
1 called from line 210 of file ancestry_ctrl.php in function print_child_ascendancy
2 called from line 209 of file ancestry_ctrl.php in function print_child_ascendancy
3 called from line 202 of file ancestry.php
ERROR 8: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool
0 Error occurred on line 210 of file ancestry_ctrl.php in function print_child_ascendancy
1 called from line 210 of file ancestry_ctrl.php in function print_child_ascendancy
2 called from line 209 of file ancestry_ctrl.php in function print_child_ascendancy
3 called from line 202 of file ancestry.php
Pedigree Tree
Pedigree Map
Descendancy Chart
Ancestry Chart
Compact Chart
Circle Diagram
Hourglass Chart
Interactive Tree
Family with spouse
Yura-Yuhay Haydatov
Iris Haydatova
Topaz Haydatova
Hadar HaydatovaGanna-Geora Iskhakova
Birth 6 March 1973 (2 Adar II 5733)29
22 -- Andijan
3 Mother 6 and 7 Private
Pedigree Tree
Pedigree Map
Descendancy Chart
Ancestry Chart
Compact Chart
Circle Diagram
Hourglass Chart
Interactive Tree
Family with spouse
Susana Yusupova
Igor Iskhakov
Ganna-Geora Iskhakova
George IskhakovAlik Isakov
Birth 29 January 1944 (4 Shevat 5704)35
30 -- Andijan
6 Grandfather 12 and 13 Private
Rahmin Isakov
Birth 1909 (5669)26
18 -- Andijan
Death 8 November 1981 (11 Cheshvan 5742) (Age 72) -- Andijan
12 Great-grandfather Ester Paltielova
Birth 1914 (5674) -- Aridijan
Death 22 August 1982 (3 Elul 5742) (Age 68) -- Andijan
13 Great-grandmother
Pedigree Tree
Pedigree Map
Descendancy Chart
Ancestry Chart
Compact Chart
Circle Diagram
Hourglass Chart
Interactive Tree
Family with spouse
Alik Isakov
Igor Iskhakov
Ganna-Geora Iskhakova
George IskhakovSusana Yusupova
Birth 18 July 1950 (4 Av 5710)21
20 -- Andijan
7 Grandmother 14 and 15 Private
Pedigree Tree
Pedigree Map
Descendancy Chart
Ancestry Chart
Compact Chart
Circle Diagram
Hourglass Chart
Interactive Tree
Family with spouse
Tamara Samehova
Susana YusupovaRafael Yusupov
Birth 1929 (5689) -- Andijan
Death 4 October 2006 (12 Tishrei 5767) (Age 77) -- Jerusalem
14 Great-grandfather Pedigree Tree
Pedigree Map
Descendancy Chart
Ancestry Chart
Compact Chart
Circle Diagram
Hourglass Chart
Interactive Tree
Family with spouse
Rafael Yusupov
Susana YusupovaTamara Samehova
Birth 15 July 1930 (19 Tamuz 5690) -- Kokand
15 Great-grandmother