Восходящее дерево
Восходящее Древо
Pedigree Map
Нисходящее Древо
Восходящее дерево
Компактная диаграма
Веерное дерево
Двунаправленное дерево
Интерактивное деревоShira-Shirel Ilyaeva
Рождение 13 декабрь 2003 (18 Kislev 5764)33
32 -- New York
1 2 и 3 Личные сведения (privé);
Boruh Ilyaev
Рождение 14 май 1970 (8 Iyar 5730)22
23 -- Shahrisabz
2 Отец 4 и 5 Личные сведения (privé);
Nisim Ilyaev
Рождение 26 декабрь 1947 (13 Tevet 5708) -- Shahrisabz
4 Дедушка 8 и 9 Личные сведения (privé);
Osnat Yakutilova
Рождение 30 июнь 1946 (1 Tamuz 5706)35
26 -- Shahrisabz, , , USSR
5 Бабушка 10 и 11 Брак Да
Ioseff-Yevo Yakutilov
Рождение 1911 (5671)28
26 -- Shahrisabz
Кончина 14 июнь 1959 (8 Sivan 5719) (Возраст: 48) -- Shahrisabz
10 Прадедушка Soro Iskhakova
Рождение 1 январь 1920 (10 Tevet 5680)45
19 -- Shahrisabz
Кончина 12 ноябрь 2007 (2 Kislev 5768) (Возраст: 87) -- Jerusalem
11 Прабабушка
6 и 7 Личные сведения (privé);
6 Дедушка 12 и 13
12 Прадедушка 13 Прабабушка
ERROR 8: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool
0 Error occurred on line 209 of file ancestry_ctrl.php in function print_child_ascendancy
1 called from line 209 of file ancestry_ctrl.php in function print_child_ascendancy
2 called from line 210 of file ancestry_ctrl.php in function print_child_ascendancy
3 called from line 202 of file ancestry.php
ERROR 8: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool
0 Error occurred on line 210 of file ancestry_ctrl.php in function print_child_ascendancy
1 called from line 209 of file ancestry_ctrl.php in function print_child_ascendancy
2 called from line 210 of file ancestry_ctrl.php in function print_child_ascendancy
3 called from line 202 of file ancestry.php
7 Бабушка 14 и 15
14 Прадедушка 15 Прабабушка
ERROR 8: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool
0 Error occurred on line 209 of file ancestry_ctrl.php in function print_child_ascendancy
1 called from line 210 of file ancestry_ctrl.php in function print_child_ascendancy
2 called from line 210 of file ancestry_ctrl.php in function print_child_ascendancy
3 called from line 202 of file ancestry.php
ERROR 8: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool
0 Error occurred on line 210 of file ancestry_ctrl.php in function print_child_ascendancy
1 called from line 210 of file ancestry_ctrl.php in function print_child_ascendancy
2 called from line 210 of file ancestry_ctrl.php in function print_child_ascendancy
3 called from line 202 of file ancestry.php